"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Ireland downturn?

It’s true Ireland is currently feeling a “downturn” . . . . . .  Offline that is, as opposed to online sales that are  actually on the increase in the country, Ireland is achieving online sales of over €12 million euro per day. This is a major fact when many companies are looking at cutting […]

Your Boss saw you on FaceBook and Bebo!

This is something that we have been telling people since these social networking sites started to appear, that much of the information on the site is actually available to be viewed by the general public as well as your boss, so when you called in sick and you boss looked up your name in google […]

Does your website tell your clients who you are?

Many websites are missing one major important page, The About Us page. Your potential clients want to know who you are, what type of business you have, how long are you in business, will you support your products, will you be there tomorrow for them, are you working from a mobile number and be contactable […]

Recession and Credit Crunch in Ireland

We have noticed that a number a small business are starting to feel the the pinch as the recession in Ireland hits home to smaller businesses. We are actually seeing smaller business close and some are just closing their website down. Why? The trend is that sites that are not doing well are the ones […]

What if . . . . ?

If you had purchased €1000 of Northern Rock shares one year ago it would now be worth €4.95, with HBOS, earlier this week your €1000 would have been worth €16.50, €1000 invested in XL Leisure would now be worth less than €5, but if you bought €1000 worth of Tennents Lager one year ago, drank […]

Website Redesign with Content Management Software

Website Redesign Diving and Walking Holiday Expert – Shane Gray Holidays have updated their website with a fully content managed website. Features now available on the site are Content Managed Gallery Content Managed Pages Media Manager Page Search Google Site Map Update from any Pc with Internet Access Domain Management Hosting Training We would like […]

404 Error Page !

A 404 error page can be a static or a dynamic page depending on the type of website you have, It is the page that shows the “page not found” error message if a page has been deleted or removed. It is recommended that you provide the search engines, robots etc with a 404 page […]

Jamie Mc Calmont – Website

We are happy to be working with Jamie McCalmont a bloodstock consultant in London. Services include consultancy, domain management, email forwarding. http://www.JamieMcCalmont.co.uk

Website Redesign – Update

We are delighted to announce the launch of the new redesigned website for Deirdre of Spell Check Editorial Services, a web content and brochure content specialist here in the south east. Spell check has got a complete overhaul of their website we complete manu years ago. They have moved upwards in this digital age and […]

Google – Search from pages from Ireland button?

We have had a number of people mention to us that they wish to register a .ie domain name as they want to be found in Google under the “pages from Ireland” button. They think that that is the difference between and .com and a .ie domain names. This is not the case. It is […]

Internet Register Ireland – Letter – Envelope

We had a response to our write up about the letter so many businesses are getting and the suggestion is to send back the envelope EMPTY so to cause them a further expense. It is a SCAM. Thanks to Ewan Duffy from http://www.industrialheritageireland.info

AIB increase Charges for online shops

Has anyone gor more information about the increase that AIB are setting for online transactions with ecommerce shops. I believe that they are upping their charges to a min of €30 per month, this will make it harder for smaller ecommerce shops who have a small volumne of transactions to make a profit. Add in […]

Yoga Gorey – Website Revamped

Moving your business forward can often mean moving with the times and the technology that comes with that. We are happy to announce that Gorey Yoga Studio have decided to use Cada Media Ltd for the redesign and implementation of a new content managment system for their website. www.YogaGorey.com has come from a basic brochure […]

Business Support Services – Website Launched www.2Busy4.com

Congratulations to Nicola Kearns and staff with launch of their new website to help promote their services in Business Support. Nicola needed a website that had content management without being too technical or having a long learning curve. Our Solution gives her a easy and fast tool to update her website aswell as needing vertually […]

Web Content – Did you write it ? Duplicate Content

Duplicate Content is getting it’s serious tie on these days as many websites are falling down in respect to “Duplicate Content Copyright Infringement”. We supply web sites that our users can update, upload text and images themselves, but where are they getting the content ? Where are they getting the images from? We have been […]