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Ireland downturn?

It’s true Ireland is currently feeling a “downturn” . . . . . .  Offline that is, as opposed to online sales that are  actually on the increase in the country, Ireland is achieving online sales of over €12 million euro per day.

This is a major fact when many companies are looking at cutting costs and actually deleting their website and dropping the work they have carried out of the past few years to promote their business.

As Irish shop battle for your custom, many people are looking online for shops and businesses. So IF you online you now have an even better chance of getting new inquiries in via your website.

Upgrade your current website and ecommerce it, don’t drop. Its total madness but as far as we can see from talking to many business owners and registration businesses, many companies are actually just letting go of their domains.

So the smart people will not use this time to grab available domains and put up an online shop!

Move fast, others will

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