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Gorey Town Council Website

Gorey Town Council launch new website!

We are delighted to see that Gorey Town Council have come up to speed with technology, but a little disappointed too as we have often discussed with council members about our services and how we could work with them.

So we didn’t get asked to put in a bid for the tender or even asked to Sponsor the site . . . Boo Hoo for us!

Oh well life goes on . . but then we also notice that they have also used an image of ours without permission, this is typical of not understanding about setting up a website. This is a legal issue many businesses fall into, If you are creating a website you must get permission from the owner of the images or graphics otherwise it is stealing and compensation may be sought for this work as it is a copyright issue.

Great to see how our “Rates” are being used.

http://www.goreytc.ie/gy/ContactUs/PlacesofinterestaroundGorey/ ©

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