"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"


This is our own business directory for Gorey Town, It was established in 2005 to help new arrivals to the area to find the main businesses in the town. We have around 600 business listed with a more still to be listed. The chamber of commernce in Gorey also have a site thats lists businesses but they they list members, we are a member and are one of the 100 or so businesses that are listed.

There are many new website out there these days like MyTown.ie or YourLocal.ie and these are larger sites covering the entire country. We only list businesses in each town and its surroundings. This has kept the Gods (Google) happy and we are usually listed in the top three for a key search phrase for the town.

We also have directories for other towns in Wexford, Carlow and Wicklow. Some of the main ones are





If you would like to be listed on any of our directories please give me a call on 053-9430748 ( many businesses use our directories as their home page.)

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