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Discretionary Domain Name Registration

To follow up on earlier posts about registering a domain names and seeking advice from accountants in Gorey I would like point out that this ( the Blog) is not a definitive white paper on Irish domain names. A person who has not registered their business with the companies office may get a domain name under the “Discretionary Domain Name Registration” application. This means that if you have not got the correct paper work you can apply for the domain name, by either backed up with a letter from your accountant explaining your situation or a letter on your own headed paper explaining your reason for wanting to register the domain. It’s a backdoor method in my view and I would not recommend it. Do it right in the first place and register your trading name with the Companies office.

Entitlement issues could follow if others who have a limited company or a registered trading name in the same name request the name and push to get it transferred to them. I could go on further as there are also trademark issues and patents etc. But you should get the general idea. Do it right in the first place.

This blog is a communication tool to allow us to communicate with our clients and potential clients in brief. It is published as an informal method of dialogue that is recommended and expected these days. I always say at the end of posts, to get in touch for more information and that’s what happens 99 times out of a 100.

I am reminded of a conversation I had with an accountant once and explaining why we write in our news blog. I demonstrated how we were the first company in Ireland to talk about the new VAT rates that was announced last October 09. Our news was found the Irish Internet Association who then published the news even further on their own site. I asked if he had written to his clients and informed them, he hadn’t.

We googledNew vat Rates” and there we were, No 1.

So What?

Well we are always thinking how to help our clients and how to help them grow their business, especially in a recession,  All our clients who had a website using the old vat rates needed to be changed and especially the ecommerce websites. If we were of any help to others businesses and they called us to get their website updated, well hey great. Winner.

For all the details you will need on registering a domain name in Ireland and the actual policies I would recommend a read of the official website www.iedr.ie

If you have any questions about domains names, please call myself Dave Jordan or simply leave a reply below.

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