"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

DoneDeal.ie or DoneADeal.ie?

Driving home the other day I saw a sign at a junction for a website called www.DoneADeal.ie
At a second glance I noticed at “a” admist the address, so the website wasn’t our friends in Wexford who run www.donedeal.ie but in fact a new site.

Maybe they are trying to do the same task i thought to myself.

So what ! you may say. . . We know they are trying to reach fame by using a similar name to the real site and good for them?

Maybe, but on doing a search online when getting to the office the new site can not be found and in fact is now just helping the real site.

Are the owners trying to fool or trick google? If do they are they have made a giant mistake.

Google is not stupid.

Google is now ignoring the ‘a’ in the middle of the new site and directing people to the original site!

When you are planning an online business we suggest getting off on the right foot so get the right advice.

For professional web solutions that work, talk to Cada Media today 053 9430748

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