"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

World Cup 2010 – Internet Usage up 194%

According to our friends over in ZNet.com the World Cup in 2010 has brought high volumes of traffic online with people using the web to find out information about the World Cup. In fact not just before a game, but whilst a game is actually being played.

Most people say that men can only do one thing at a time, well now we have that stats that shows that they can also use a laptop, iphone or even a desktop pc whilst watching the box!

Internet usage is on the increase in Ireland with broadband being rolled out to more and more regions. Speeds of 100mb now on trial in Wexford in fact means that businesses understanding it’s significance can avail of it’s use for voip calls, online backup, software as a service, online spam filtering and all rolled into the Cloud allowing a business to be virtual.

What does this mean?

It means that you don’t have to go to the office to check your emails, you don’t have to use an in house mail server for emails, you don’t have to store documents on an in-house server, you don’t need to use a backup tape unit, you don’t need to buy expensive software, you don’t need to worry about data protection act, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to get all of this on place either!

What do you do next?

Call Dave Jordan of Cada Media Ltd today to see how we can roll out a web solution for you and get ahead of your competitors.

The web is everywhere, be part of it!


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