You may have noticed that Facebook has launched Facebook Places in Ireland. This feature was opened to the public yesterday but has been running in the USA and UK since last summer.
“Check in”
This is the term to allow users to show where they are and enter information about the place they are located. Again you must remember that website like facebook and google don’t create content we do, they merely give us back that information in a format that is useful to us.
So what good is Facebook Places, we similar to other websites that run on mobile devices it will allow you to pin point you location and tell others you were there and what you thought of the place, be it a cafe, hotel, restaurant etc
Remember that Facebook are competing with Google and know that mobile phones have GPS built into them and the ability to use this information to let friends and family know where you are is a great tool to social media and using technology to interact with each other.
Like FourSquare, when you are logged in it can show you who is also near by. This can have a Big Brother effect but remember this is an option, so you dont have to panic and strap you mobile to the dog when you go to the pub!
Facebook’s Places will grow over the coming weeks in Ireland as the hundreds of thousands of iphone and HTC’s phone all allow people using Facebook to write up new Places they find and share.
So if you are a business and would like to use this, make sure you onto Facebook and Check In soon.
For more information on Facebook Places and how the Internet can help your business give us a call on 053 9430748 or check us out on