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Website Revamp for Achill Outdoor Centre

This was a great website to work on as I love the outdoors and travelling to Achill Island in Co Mayo was one of the benefits of the project. Achill Outdoor Education Centre are part of the Mayo VEC. The original site served it purposes well and served it time since its creation a few years ago, but the internet and technology moves faster and faster each year.


The new site has moved away from static HTML to the more common dynamic database style site that give the Centre the ability to edit and amend the site themselves. Its this self administration that puts the power back in their hands as they will not be reliant on the web designer to update the content. So when they have events or programs that they are running and they need to get this information up straight away, the office can update the site in a few minutes with the private login.

The new layout takes advantage of the new screen sizes available these days and the older design utilized the more basic 800 x 600 design, so now the new site will fit a larger 19″ screen without been squashed in one corner. As well as giving the site a new graphic design we worked with Tim and his dedicated team to create a website that reflects their programmes and activities as they have changed and developed over the years. Some of their activities include:

In order to update the site a Training day was held in which I had that opportunity to be at the Centre for the day working with the team to run through their services and see the Centre again. It really is about the Outdoors on Achill Island, even though we had to spend the day going through the website updating system and then giving the guys a few tasks to insert links, edit and resize images, insert images, adding new text etc. Updating of the site is important in terms of continuing the education of their students both in the field and on-line.

For this purpose we have also included the use of a Blog and Social Media to help bring their information for the masses. Social Media usage by educators has become more popular these days as business owners  are understanding the great benefit that sites such as facebook and YouTube can bring in terms of traffic and returning visitors to a site

Our Services included

  • Domain Name Management
  • Web Hosting
  • Website Design
  • Web Marketing
  • Link Building
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Training


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