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Server RAID system back online

Just a quick note to let our hosting customers know that our main hosting server is back on-line as of last night at 1:45am. The server has a multiple hard disk system that duplicates the content called a RAID system. One of these hard disks was failing last week and we had to be replaced.

The server then needed to synchronise the data between the disks. The hard disk was trying to synchronise,while fetching and displaying websites.  The result of this dual process was causing site to run slowly, therefore I took the decision to give the priority of synchronising the disks over the viewing of websites as it could have taken another 72 hours to run the sync and display the sites. This meant that all sites were down on Saturday afternoon and evening while most people were watching the Ireland V’s Wales rugby match. As most websites are now content managed it meant that each time a customer updated a website themselves, the new content was added to the queue and thus the sync was getting longer and longer.

Because all websites get less traffic at the the weekend, meant that it was an ideal time to carry out this maintenance work and in turn would mean no down time during the working week.


With the “Apache” and “MySQL” side of the server switched off the Email facility was left running in order to keep the thousands of emails flowing through the system and allowing our customers to maintain email contact with their clients in turn.

The Sync is now fully complete and all services are functioning correctly. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and apologies for any inconvienience caused.

Dave Jordan

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