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Three outgoing SMTP mail server

Wow what fun we have with sending mail via the various broadband providers in Ireland. As you might be aware receiving an email is usually no problem and people get mail via the email provider, so Eircom customers get mail from mail.eircom.net and most companies get mail from mail.companydomain.ie etc. I have spoken about this before arising in questions about which smtp server to use etc

Sending mail is different.

In order to cut down on bandwidth that they must carry and deal with spam etc many operators in Ireland have restricted the use of their Out Going Mail Server to cut down on the traffic that in theory should be travelling via the mail provider.

So if you are a Three Broadband user and are using Eircom for mail and wish to send mail using Outlook Express etc then try the following setting to send mail.


This must be set as your Outgoing mail server in your email program, usually in Tools ->Accounts -> Setting ->Servers – Outgoing mail

Hope this helps, as I see from doing Google search many have answered that it can not be done.




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