"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Benefits of an online shop

In a meeting today I was demonstrating an online shop to a business and showing them how the administration panel would look like and then potential customer noticed that there were 318 customers on the site at the one time as the system shows us the number of users online.

How many people fit into your shop?

Then the potential customer realised that with an online shop you are not restricted to the amount of people you can have in your shop. Where as a traditional retail unit is restricted by the physical size of a premises. “This is amazing and we are definately going to set up the shop” was the result of the meeting.

So the next time you are talking to a shop owner, mention to them the benefits of “Clicks and Mortar” and then instead of building an extension that they could actually fit more customers in if they went online!

Ecommerce works, Be Part of it. Call Dave Jordan on 053 9430748 for details.


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