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Wicklow Leader now Wicklow Partnership!

Well this isn’t strictly correct as they have been amalgamated with two other bodies for a while now, but as of from today the website is now switched over. That is www.WicklowLeader.ie is now pointing to www.WicklowPartership.ie Ok , not so exciting as you think, but hey this is what we do and its important to get it right !

Anyway, We have been working on the new site for a while now and we recommended to the guys there that when changing names to remember that search engines too like to be notified of changes of address and not just postmen! So we launched the newly created site today with what I will call site pointers from the old pages to the new site. This will stop the 404 error pages and very cleanly allow you to navigate to the new sites.

This is one of the suggested methods when you are working with Google for instance that they request that you do this to help the transition to the new address. Its polite to them and to your users who could get lost easily.

We also recommended to them to keep the old domain name for a while to aid this transition. Simply dropping a domain name and grabbing a new one is ok for some, but if you are interested in your viewers and the people looking for you on-line then redirecting an old name to the new name is they way to go.

The new site is all content managed allowing the members of staff there to update the site easily with news/ events and edit every aspect of the site. I would like to thank Brian Kehoe and his dedicated team for their help on the sites content and its structure.

Services Provided:

Domain name Registration

Web Hosting

Website Design

Content Management

Web Stategy



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