"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Web Marketing Strategy Guide

A busy week this week with over 8 meetings with potential customers and again it was clear that companies really do need help in guiding them through the maze of ideas the internet has to offer. But a few key factors need to be addressed first.

What is the purpose of the website, do you want a website to:

  1. Look nice and show customers a style and image?
  2. Generate real sales leads?
  3. Earn money online?
  4. Sell Products?

These questions have sub categories but they are the basis of setting up a web marketing strategy and getting the true benefit of investing in your brand. The investment you make needs to be planned and measured. Your brand can be made or lost in the blink of an eye if you do it wrong on-line.

Learning these factors in web design and marketing is a process that I have worked on over the past 15 years and hundreds of campaigns later. So if you hear about someone offering you web design services and these questions don’t come up. . . Walk away and give Cada Media a call on 053 9430748

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