"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Using your Head !

Business is tough today and companies need to make use of technology if they are to reduce costs whilst also offering something new to their customers.

Hook & Hoist do it !

Ken Murphy is just one of those business people, Ken approached us to design a solution that would give them the capabilities they needed to provide their customers with an online facility to manage documents. The solution also happens to be a website !

At Cada Media we specialise in this type of solution and we jumped at the opportunity to show off our expertise.  So we set about working with Ken and his team to create a website that allows him to manage his documentation online in a cloud computing solution, right here in Wexford !

With the domain name secured, we setup the hosting for ken and then set about the design of the site using their existing logo. The sites structure reflects their products and services. With hundreds of products ken wanted a straight forward site that would allow the customers to easily navigate to the product they wish to view. We did this to kens specification and when he sat beside me in the office and smiled I knew it was right.

Document Management System.

We then set to work on the new Document Management System for Hook & Hoist and using the right products we were able to create a solution that would allow this very mobile business to work well both in the office and out on the road. The system in a nut shell allows them to create users and associate them to documents using a secure online portal via a username and password system. Each customer can then store their Certificates online in the new “Certificate Bank”

We would like to wish Ken, Karen and the rest of the team at Hook & Hoist the very best of luck with the new site.
Services provided include

  • Domain Management
  • Web Hosting
  • Website Design
  • Cloud Computing
  • Document Management
  • Training

Web: www.hookandhoist.ie

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