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Super Fast Hosting Servers !

Looking after our clients hosting needs is something we take very seriously at Cada Media Ltd and we are always looking towards the future,  so we can keep them up to date with the latest technology and internet speeds.

We have worked hard with the brilliant team in Blacknight including, Paul, Michele, Janathan, Tara, Alan, Derek, Niamh, Gianni to name a few, who manage our dedicated services.

The latest edition to the Cada Media hosting plat form is a new decicated 8 Core Intel processors with 16GB RAM, 1 Terabyte Hard Drives. Services on this machine are Apache, Exim, MySQL, Named, ProFTPd, sshd, dovecot and Php are all installed and configured.

Speed is Vital.

The speed of this machine will give our clients a great advantage over many of their competitors who are situated on servers hosting up to 30,000 websites and are located in Texas !

Some “techies” might argue this point as saying its not important as Google will still find the site anyway, but we know that changes to Google’s algorithm do prefer locally hosted sites that respond quickly to requests. There are lots of technical details we could get into about databases and php etc, but take it from me, the faster a website is the better it will be ranked.

If you are looking to high speed Irish hosting, then call us today to see how we can help your business on the Internet Super Highway !

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