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Small Business Websites – Fact or Fiction!

1 or 2 page website for my business oh and I need it to be No 1 in Google.

This is one of the most frequent inquiries we get to our offices. Often we are asked to give a quotation for developing a 1 or 2 page website for a company as they want to keep the development costs down.

This is often because a “Web Designer” has said that they charge per page for designing a website, but in fact they have missed the bigger picture. Creating a small website is fine, but please remember you will get back exactly what you put into it. One page will not get you get you No 1 In search engines. It’s just not possible.

We have talked about this issue many times and every year it comes up again and again. We have created 1 page websites (many years ago) and we know from experience that they don’t get found. We often say to clients it would be the same as getting 1 flyer printer and nailing it to a tree in the amazon. You can image the footfall that flyer would gain. None.

So the point to this rant is, do your research, put together an informative website that search engines will actually want to display to people.

Have a search for something that interests you in a search engine, then go to the last page of the search results. . . . . That’s where the “One Page Websites” Live and that’s how important the search engines thinks your business is to it’s readers.

Just trying to help if you are in the process of setting up a website for your business. For less rant and more inforamtion call me “Dave” on 053-9430748 for more.

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