"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

8 page basic website for €3,500?

Cheap Websites, Not!

We had a call to the office this week asking if we could help this company get their website into Google. We had a quick look and finding it difficult to find them, we gave up and put their domain name directly into the address bar. The site itself looked ok but is not in any search engines and has none of the basic elements that a experienced web designer would insert into the background code.

They felt ripped offby this so called  website designer in Wexford. I agree. The company has no login details, no stats details, no ftp details, no emails details etc. oh and they can not edit the site either. The person who created the site also only works off a mobile phone and is not answering the calls since he was paid. 

The Internet is new to many businesses, but I would strongly that they call around and ask before they get involved with a web designer in wexford, I have talked about this before and we recommend designers who we know produce quality sites that are a benefit for their clients as a sales lead generating tool

Website should be . .

Search engine friendly, printer friendly, screen friendly and the list of features goes on and on. I would urge anyone thinking of getting a website to ring around , dont just talk to one or two but at least three companies before they finally decide to go with one. Every website designer has different skills and expertise in various areas, some are great at graphics but crap at search engines, others are ok at graphics and layout but excellent at optimisation for search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo etc

Call your local Enterprise Board and ask which company they recommend. If its in the southeast they will know of us, Cada Media or by our previous name before we expanded last year, The Web Guy!

One of the main thing I learned over the years is that you (the client) has to be able to communicate to your web designer, if the designer and yourself are not able to communicate,  move on. Find a company you are able to communicate with, who answer your calls and are there for you in the long run.

What does this tell us?

It proves to us that more and more businesses are falling for a sales pitch of companies claiming they can get them on page 1 of google in weeks. Most of which are not on page one themselves for their chosen  topic.

Call us even if you have already engaged a designer and we will let you know if they are approved, registered or even any good. We dont want to change your mind and come to us we just want to know that you are not being ripped off by so called “website Designers in Wexford”.

End of Rant !


Ps, The irony is that other designers are trying to sell fully functional websites for 199 and are always advertising using Google Ads. I love to give them the list of sites we have and sit back but we can’t as we know it’s not what will benefit the client in the long run.

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