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PayPal increase staff in Ireland

150 Jobs at PayPal

News out today that the e-commerce payment people Pay Pal are recruiting at the moment. Great news for Ireland and also a great push to demonstrate that the Internet is not a fad but in fact a real business. Each week we get inquiries about setting up websites and ecommerce from people in the southeast  and they are wondering if the Internet is something they should be involved in.

Every business is an Internet Business!

No matter if you are a solicitor or a plumber getting paid for your services is the whole point of doing the work requested. A payment gateway such as paypal allows every business get involved in the whole area of getting paid faster in business. PayPal will allow you to invoice online and this will email your clients to then click on a link and fill in their credit card details etc.

The Jobs that are been created in Ireland now are for support roles are many businesses are calling them to see how they can get payments online. If you are looking for a job at the moment this would be the place to go. Its the fastest growing industry in Ireland and remember jobs don’t disappear they migrate to new areas, on-line payment is where its at these days.

For details about the new jobs at Pay Pay ( who are owned by eBay) then log onto


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