"The Web is Everywhere,
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Internet Workshop for small businesses

Gorey Chamber of Commerce are running an event with our friend Grant Masterson of Wreckless Skate shop in Gorey. This is the press release below for the event.


As part of our on-going service to Members, we are offering this interesting course.  If you wish to book a place please do so by return e-mail or by ringing the office on 053 9484520.

The course will be delivered by Grant Masterson of Wreckless on Main Street, at a cost of €20 per head its good value.

Internet Workshop for small businesses

E-commerce and selling online

Aimed at: Owner/Managers, sales and marketing staff, companies who want to sell online


· Introduction to E-commerce

· How do I know what is right for my business

· Advantages of online shopping

· Overview of shopping carts

· Essentials for operating an online shop

· Online presence and marketing

Objectives : A course where Owner/Managers and/or sales and marketing staff can learn about what it takes to set up an online shop and sell products and services online.

Venue : Gorey Chamber, Gorey Business Park

Tutor: Grant Masterson

Date: 23rd February 2011

Time : 7pm – 9.30pm

Cost: €20

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