"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

404 Error Page !

A 404 error page can be a static or a dynamic page depending on the type of website you have, It is the page that shows the “page not found” error message if a page has been deleted or removed. It is recommended that you provide the search engines, robots etc with a 404 page […]

Marketing your Website!

Now that you have your new websites it time to shout about it !!! This is what we are talking about when we tell you we want to to advertise your website in older traditional means. This is a double Billboard in Rosslare to attract visitors to the County Wexford Tourism Website as they leave […]

Setting up a website

It is important to understand that the setting up of a website is a great step in helping to promote your business on line, but please remember it is a “step” and it needs to be followed by other steps till your business is up and running online. Marketing your website address by means of […]

Think about who is your Target Market?

When you are looking at your site hits and pageviews etc and wondering about where to generate more traffic for your site make sure to think about who your target market is and where are they? If the people you are reacing for are in the UK or Germany then start to think about the […]

Holiday Marketing

I know . . . . . I know . . It’s the end of August soon and we have to start to think about the up coming holidays. Holloween and of course Christmas. Have you thought about this for your website and online marketing campaigns yet…….hmmmm . . . . . NO . . […]

Good web copy / Sitemaps / Landing page?

Create search engine friendly content, gone are the days of inserting paragraphs of keywords to fool search engines into thinking the content o fhtat page was abut that topic. Now they know the difference and will in fact penalise you for doing so (told ye!) Write for people, knowing that search engines will be reading […]