Social Networking Websites and Wexford
I decided to pop down to Wexford town to attend a presentation put on by the Irish Internet Association and Wexford County Enterprise Board. These type of event are run all the time in every county around Ireland and it a great opportunity for business owners and managers to take a day off !! No. […]
Search Engine Engine Strategies
Search engines are all about new fresh content, we are saying this on a daily basis to our clients and prospective customers. Search engines was to see who’s say what and how mush are you saying about your field of expertise. Thus I’m writing this ! I would suggest uploading new content each day, but […]
Starting a business in Wexford?
If you are thinking of starting a business in Wexford, now is a great time, believe it or not even with the downturn in global economy there are advantages and one of the main one we have noticed is the amount of domain names flooding back onto to the market. Like shares in companies that […]
Think about who is your Target Market?
When you are looking at your site hits and pageviews etc and wondering about where to generate more traffic for your site make sure to think about who your target market is and where are they? If the people you are reacing for are in the UK or Germany then start to think about the […]
Web Check – Failte Ireland
Failte Ireland have given the contract to review and amend websites to 44 of it’s memebers to Terry Murphy Media in Waterford. If you are looking for your website to be reviewed and given a fresh look for 2009 then please let us know. The desicion of Failte Ireland to start looking seriously at the […]
Paid directory listing services
If you get an email to your business asking for renewal or subscription to a Directory or to submit your web address to search engines, please forward it to ourselves and then Delete it. They might be real, but the benefits are minor if any at all. Example we got yesterday: Notification DOMAIN LISTING SERVICES […]
Google Dropped my site?
Google will and can drop your website if the domain names expires. This is often the case when you forget to pay for the domain renewal. If your hosting or web development company sends you an invoice for “Renewal” pay attention to it. Today we had a company call in asking why their website had […]
Domain name expiring – SEO
And while i’m on the subject of domain names expiring, just to let you know that when a domain name expires and the search engine bots try to index the site and finds that the information it had yesterday is gone and now there are Google Ads on the site for your competirors. From then […]
Google SEO – Search Engine Optimization
The use of the Internet and websites are now one of the most popular ways of advertising. All types of businesses can benefit from getting on-line. Here are a few steps to good website design Use the Title tags. Use Keywords in Body Text. Keyword Use in H1 tags Good domain name choice Good File […]