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The Real Consequences of Expired Domains for Businesses

Expired Domain Names

Today, we had a business reach out to us in a bit of a panic. They weren’t one of our clients, so we didn’t manage their domain registration and renewal. But alas, their website had vanished into thin air, and their emails were nowhere to be found. What a predicament!

Gorey Cricket Club Website

Gorey Cricket Club

We are excited to announce the launch of the new website for the local cricket club. The website is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and is ideal for a cricket club wanting to communicate with their supporters, players, and sponsors. The website design is clear and professional making it the perfect tool for the management to […]

Casa Pepe in Gorey

We were very happy to be asked to come on board and partner up with a local restaurant for their online marketing. They had dealt with other web designers and graphic designer in the past but were looking for someone to also help them with the entire online marketing issue. This is exactly the type […]

Somebody took my domain name? GRRRR

We recently had a meeting with a new business starting out here in the Southeast. We met, discussed their intension’s and objectives etc. At this point they had not even registered their business name with the companies office So they registered as a Sole Trader and used the name that they wished to trade under. […]

If I had a euro . . .

If I got a Euro for every call I get to the office asking can we help companies track down their web designer as their domain name has expired and he has apparently moved aboard. Emails lost, website lost, google position lost, orders lost, credibility lost. In some instances we can help them as we […]

Printers love web designers!

Only two minutes after writing the last blog post the phone rings and its a client who set up a website with us last year and we registered a domain name for them. The reminder renewal was sent out on the first of March 2011. It has since expired and their domain name was bought […]

Building your online Reputation?

This is a question we get asked all the time, telephone calls come into the office asking how a business get get higher in Google or how they can come up for various searches. Well the answer is not simple, but following a few simple step can help. Start off by  . . Keeping your […]

Cada Media in Spain

Whilst enjoying the sunshine in La Managa in Murcia Spain recently we were able to pick up more Spanish business. Being a business that uses the web we are always able to pick up clients when we travel and last week was no difference. Before traveling we looked up a few domain names of the […]

My website was stolen?

Indeed a strange statement to hear over the phone, but never the less one that is getting more and more common these days as we hear about companies and businesses in the southeast who have gone to look at their website to find it’s gone. Replaced with advertising for other websites selling similar products and […]

Cyber squatters in ireland

Yes, it’s true they havent gone away and in fact we’ve found a few here in Wexford. Driving to meet a client for lunch the other day I noticed a sign near Gorey advertising a new business currently under construction. It’s a fairly big development with massive sign so you guess that they have looked […]

Register a domain name?

We had a good talk with a client yesterday about registering a domain name for their business. They have registered one domain and were under the impression that they had reached the amount they were allowed to register. A company can register as many domains as they wish, as long as they have the documentation […]

Discretionary Domain Name Registration

To follow up on earlier posts about registering a domain names and seeking advice from accountants in Gorey I would like point out that this ( the Blog) is not a definitive white paper on Irish domain names. A person who has not registered their business with the companies office may get a domain name […]

Advice From Accountants in Gorey – hmm

We had an interesting telephone call to the office today about our last article regarding registering Irish Domain Names, that means the ones that end in .ie  (not.com domain names) This anonymous caller on a private number claiming to be an accountant in Gorey mentioned that it is possible to register a domain name without […]

Domain Name Transfers or Renewals

We have just got in an email from a clients asking for advice on the renewal of her domain name. An american company emailed her and asked her to review her domain name and if she would like to renew it then she could click on the link provided to renew. Transfer Away!!! In actual […]

Eircom Customer Support

Just off the phone with Eircom after a new client came in and asked could we take over their domain name registration and their web hosting. I called 1800 203 204 then option 2 then option 2 again and then 1 but they now have another option that let me on a merry journey that […]