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Fixing a Hacked WordPress Website?

Hacker in mask and hood, account hacking

Having your WordPress website hacked can be a nightmare, causing undue stress and frustration. Restoring your website to its original state should be your immediate priority. Removing any malicious code or plugins that may have been added to your website is essential to ensure your site’s security. It’s equally critical to ensure that fraudulent pages […]

Bank of Ireland ~ Fake Emails

Bank of Ireland Fake Emails

I just received an email from Bank of Ireland saying that they have temporally limited my account with a link on it to suggest that I follow the steps. Firstly, I’m not with Bank of Ireland so I deleted it ASAP. But before I did I did a bit of research on the email and its […]

Online shops targeted by hackers

We’ve been very quiet of late and keeping our heads down and working on new sites, but we have noticed on the stats of many websites that there are attempts by robots to try to gain access to files on website that are relating to online shops and people selling their services online. In your Stats […]

Revenue Irish Tax & Customs Emails

We are getting  a lot of calls to the office this week asking about the following email that many people are getting. It is s scam, delete it, these people know that many people in Ireland are claiming more tax back etc Scam Email = Delete. If you do get an email like this just […]

ICS Monitoring Team Email

We noticed today that we recieved an email for the the ICS monitoring Team threatening to cut of internet access. This is spam email delete it. The email looks like this: Warning: This message has had one or more attachments removed Warning: (report.exe, report.zip). Warning: Please read the “cadamedia-Attachment-Warning.txt” attachment(s) for more information. Your internet […]

Spam Server Upgrade – Firewall Rules

Just to let our spam filtering clients know that next week we are upgrading our servers again, (yes i know a pain in the ass but hey it’s for your benefit!) These new servers will mean new IP addresses and so we are informing you that you can update your firewall rules with the following […]

Internet Register Ireland Letter

These are the types of letters many businesses understand to be about the renewal of their domain in Ireland, where as really they are an invitation to be listed on an Internet directory for Ireland for a cost of €958 per annum for a 3 year contract. I suggest throwing it away, it’s rubbish, they […]

Truvo selling advertising?

It looks like that Truvo Ireland are the latest company finding that other business are approaching their clients and requesting that they spend their advertising budget with them. A few weeks ago we had UK companies calling our clients leading the client to believe they were Google. Many believed it and signed up to a […]

You have just received a virtual postcard from a friend !

You have just received a virtual postcard from a friend ! Spam Virus Do Not Open the link on this email Unless every person I  know has a friend suddenly sending them postcards from the edge ( of reason) I would strongly advise NOT to open or click on the link in the above email […]

Scam emails – DHL Express Services

One of my clients email in this morning wondering if we could unlock this email is was due in. this is a scam bullshit email and I simply replied, spam / scam …delete it. I suggest you yo the same, unless you are actually expecting a delivery, if so they would not send you a […]

Buyer Beware on RTE

Charity Calendars Watching Buyer Beware on RTE tonight and interested to see that companies are still using these traditional forms of advertising to promote their businesses, but also saddened to see that companies are exploiting those one who still are. Not every one doing charity calendars, but one company especially who has taken peoples money […]

You PAC has been Locked. – Dodgy Email?

If you receive an email like the following Delete it. It is a Scam. We have had two clients in the past 4 days, nearly following through with it. Either call your bank to confirm or call us 053 9430748. Banks do not work in their manner and please just delete it. ***************** Dear Client, […]


Hi Folks, If anyone rec eives an email as below. Delete it, it is not from ourselves. ***********************Start********************************* Dear Subscriber, Due to spam complaints of users in our webmail system and we have observed that your email account is being compromised. So, our investigation shows that your email address is compromised and is used to […]

Business Registration 2009/2010

Warning All Businesses in Ireland. ************************ Delete this email if you receive it, to not answer, just delete, it is a scam ************************ Dear Madam/Sir, In order to have your company inserted into the registry of Worldwide Business Guide for 2009/2010, please print, complete and return the enclosed form (PDF file) to the following address: […]

World Business Guide Renewal 2009/2010

Delete this Email is you receive it, Its the usual rubbish from the european business Guide.   From – Fri Jul 10 09:35:00 2009 Return-path: nfo@bestenterpriselive.com Envelope-to: info@cadamedia.ie Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 19:10:06 +0200 Errors-To: nfo@bestenterpriselive.com To: info@cadamedia.ie From: World Business Registrar nfo@bestenterpriselive.com Reply-to: register@wbgtoday.net Subject: Business Registration 2009/2010  Ladies and Gentlemen.  In order […]