"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Casa Pepe in Gorey

We were very happy to be asked to come on board and partner up with a local restaurant for their online marketing. They had dealt with other web designers and graphic designer in the past but were looking for someone to also help them with the entire online marketing issue. This is exactly the type […]

Help Google Help You !

When we are starting off a project we always advice the client start with putting up a holding page with some content to get the search engines interested. It is often the case that we hear of people putting up a site and then later getting a call to say its not on the first […]

Google Wedding Planner

For those who are looking to plan a wedding will know, most/all wedding planing is now carried out online. If you are looking a wedding venue, inviting guests with email or inviting them with facebook events etc you will know that without the Internet there would be a lot of leg work. Marry Google! People […]

Google Streetview Trikes

Talking to a business recently about tourism in rural Ireland and they were suggesting that they were thinking of getting a company to create a few 360 degree images for Tourism. Well I would suggest they think about just letting the biggest tech business doing it for them or asking them to come and visit […]

Google Streetview in Wexford!

In April 2009 I wrote about Google in Gorey and how they had been driving around the area in their Black Google car with a large 360 dome camera on top mapping their way around Ireland. Well it’s been a while in the making but today they launched the results. In April 2009 I wrote […]

Google Alerts not used!

Google have been contacting the people to who use their email alert service to tell them that due to the fact that not many people actually using the service they provide, they will be altering the way in works in the future. Interesting to see that people are not using it as we know that […]

Goldenpages have a deal with google?!

A question arose today where a caller to the office was wondering if Truvo / Golden Pages had done a deal with Google. The answer is Yes, but so has everyone who has a Google Account ! Looking further it looks like they are just selling Google Adword. What are Google Adwords? This is a […]

Does “size” matter? !!

Yes,  the age old question that every web designer looses sleep over, Does Size Matter? Does Size Matter? Deos Size Matter? The answer is yes, for over 10 years now we have been creating websites that abide to Google Webmaster rule and keep website page small in order to help keep the Size of the […]

Has Google changed?

Yes, is the answer. The latest changes to the number one search engine in Ireland has finally come online. These latest updates to it’s functionality are pushing the ability of local search right down to the county level. Before we were able to choose by the world or pages from Ireland. Now we can step […]

Facebook overtakes Google!

News today that Facebook have overtaken Google as the number 1 website in terms of visits according to “Hitwise”. This is something I was only giving a talk about today to a group of business people here in the south east. I was explaining that social media needs to be managed correctly by staff of […]

Google Buzz Feedback?

Hearing interesting things about the new social media offering from Google called Google Buzz, it looks like their privacy policy and the fact that you can edit a on going conversation to alter the meaning means that this would be used by someone from the Dark side!!! Gonna play around with it over the weekend […]

Managing Google Adword campaigns?

So there I was today having lunch with a Internet Marketing guy I know in the Amber Springs hotel in Gorey and the two of us going on about how to manage adword campaings successfully and then we discussed the different methods of managing them, different keywords to use, different settings. . . localisation and […]

Google Voice Search

As any of our regular readers know we are always saying how “The web is Everywhere”. Well no more so than on mobile phones and with the looming Christmas gift giving season upon us there is no avoiding speak of Apps and Downloads etc. Google have recently launched their Google Mobile App which allows a […]

Facebook Privacy Policy?

With all the bitching and moaning about the changes to the Facebook privacy policy we have to ask ourselves why are they now changing as they have always been one of the most private social medial websites for people to network and meet up. We believe that it ultimately has to do with search engines […]

What does google want?!?

Make up your mind! Sitting here working away on a busy Friday after singing happy birthday to Mary and eating our squashy buns from Joanne’s, we heard one of our pc’s in the office saying “google alert” over and over again. (yes it’s annoying, we usually have the sound turned down) It was a Google […]